Incomplete Grades
An Incomplete grade may be given to a student who has diligently completed a substantial amount of the course work but who, because of serious and unforeseen academic, medical, or personal difficulties, has been unable to complete the work for a course. In such cases, a grade of incomplete may be submitted by the instructor if both the instructor and the student agree that exceptional circumstances warrant an extension of time beyond the normal deadlines of the term.
- An incomplete grade makes a student ineligible for term honors if the incomplete drops
the number of completed semester hours below 14.
- The student is responsible for making arrangements for completion of the course. The
extension period is six weeks from the end of the semester or four weeks for Scribner
Seminars (specific dates can be found on the Academic Calendar). The instructor may
also set an earlier deadline for work to be submitted by the student.
- At the end of the incomplete period the instructor may submit a grade based on work
- In extreme circumstances a further extension may be granted for a short period of time if the request is submitted in writing by the instructor and approved by the Committee on Academic Standing. If no grade is submitted or no further extensions are filed the Incomplete becomes a permanent grade of "IF" (Incomplete Failing) and figures in the GPA as "F".