Distribute course materials, deliver assignments, manage grades, and much more! Look here for answers to all your questions about using theSpring.
Immersive Learning
Web Design and Digital Scholarship
Learning Lab
Want to host a virtual speaker or distance collaboration? Come explore new instructional technologies in our flexible learning space.
Generative AI
Generative AI Tools
and their Uses for Teaching & Learning
Digital Storytelling
Digital storytelling is the practice of combining narrative with digital content, including images, sound, and video, to create multimedia content.
Spotlight video
Algorithms: Spirits in the Digital World
Generative AI software such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT platform use sophisticated large language models to generate human-like text as well as images, audio and video, presenting incredible opportunities while also raising concerns about bias and accuracy, among others. At its core are algorithms–but how do they work and integrate with other AI components like machine learning, deep learning, and neutral networks? Understanding key concepts, while advocating for privacy, transparency and accountability, paves the way to discovering how responsible and explainable AI can revolutionize our lives, guiding us toward a smarter and higher good.
Video created for the LEDS / CLTL Skidmore AI Think Tank, Spring 2024
Our office is on the second floor of the library (Library 222)
Our office hours are M-F: 8:30am – 4:30pm.
The best way to reach us is by email or submitting a Help Desk ticket.